As a teaser for tonight’s Battle of the Bands, Adam Bresgi '14 and I figured that we’d introduce you all to the only contestant that has never played a show at Wesleyan. Unfortunately, we have no idea what they sound like, so we asked our smartest friend (read: Google) about them. Here's what we found:
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Adam: Tops. Pants. Shoes. Snapbacks. Makeup. Let’s hope that this is exactly what this band sounds like.
Isaac: Really excited to find out what type of girl swag Malik ‘14 is going for - will it be “pretty cute girl swag” or “that boy swag.” Jewelry choice will tell all.
Adam: “Purtty boy girl swag” is my bet.
Isaac: Oh, shit I’ve always wondered why people give me dirty looks when I wear three different team logos in one outfit. Now I know what’s good.
Adam: #nogirl#$wag. “Diamond earrings are also good.” Fo sho. Who wears snapbacks without diamond earrings?
Isaac: just googled #$ -
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Adam: Well, Google has spoken. We have no idea what to expect.
Zak Malik '14
Emma Daniels '13
Jordan Lewis '13
Dan Wissinger '13
Henry Molofsky '13